Sunday, January 16, 2011

Fuyoo stress!

Stress… stress…stress… its one of the main problems faced by most of us, the Homo sapiens. It can come in a lot of form and sometimes most of them come from the least unexpected sources. Stress is the emotional and physical strain caused by our response to pressure from the outside world. Common stress reactions include tension, irritability, inability to concentrate, and a variety of physical symptoms that include headache and a fast heartbeat. As for a student, stress may come from a lot of channels. Some of them are from their study, friends, parents and some even from their surroundings. If you’re a teenager then peer pressure would probably be one of your main sources of stress. Peer pressure is where you get pressured by your friends in doing something which is mostly wrong.

Peer pressure… (Hate it fuyoo-ly)

Stress can cause both mental and physical symptoms. The effects of stress are different for different people.

The mental symptoms of stress include:

  • Tension
  • Irritability
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Feeling excessively tired
  • Trouble sleeping

The physical symptoms of stress include:

  • Dry mouth
  • A pounding heart
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Stomach upset
  • Frequent urination
  • Sweating palms
  • Tight muscles that may cause pain and trembling

As for adults, here are some different life events that are identified as stressful. (Got it on the internet) They are rated on the "Holmes-Raye" scale, which scores them according to the stress they cause (the higher the number, the greater the stress).

  • Death of a spouse - 100 points
  • Divorce - 73 points
  • Marriage - 50 points
  • Pregnancy - 40 points
  • Buying a house - 31 points
  • Christmas - 12 points

Stress like… like… like… fuyoo???

Fuyoo internet!

The Internet is a vast, diverse collection of unique resources including access to data from other school districts across the United States and the world, NASA, discussion groups, ERIC, and libraries including the Library of Congress. The Internet also provides access to electronic mail, enabling users to send messages to students and teachers at another school located anywhere around the globe. (fuyoo definition!)

Don’t you feel dizzy just reading that long and winding definition? To me it’s easy; the internet is something that connects us all. It’s one of the options that we could use either than phones and other communication stuff. If we look at it through the educational aspects, internet helps a lot. Go on and ask students around you nowadays, “Hey kiddo, how do you study?” or “What do you use to find reading stuff?” most of them would probably answer “the internet… duh!!” but seriously, it is helpful.

Kids these days…

Other than just “educating” children, the internet could also be used to socialize. Its very easy actually, you can actually get thousands of friends just by sitting in front of the computer. You could do video calls, chat and even trade things. You could even go gaming online and experience a cool and unusual satisfaction than playing without the internet.

Wow… A girl… Amazing…

Its fun but sometimes

Think about it… (fuyoo statement!)

Fuyoo exercise!

Many people would most probably ask “what is the minimum amount of exercise per week they can “get away with” and still be healthy?”, while I believe that a minimum of 1 hour per week is already ideal, a new study by British researchers says that exercising much less than that will do the trick, and it can help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

The study, which was published in the BioMed Central Endocrine Disorders journal, showed that just 7 minutes of vigorous exercise per week is enough to keep you healthy and greatly decrease your risk of type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes affects nearly 250 million people worldwide and accounts for about 6% of worldwide deaths.

The key to this 7 minute per week workout is that the exercise must be vigorous. Not a nice little 7 minute walks on a treadmill, but more like an all-out sprint or vigorous cycling for 7 minutes. The 7 minutes can be divided up throughout the week, so you don’t need to sprint for 7 minutes straight. For instance, you could sprint for 1 minute straight once per day. It is totally perfect for those people who say they don’t have time to workout!

The whole idea may sound crazy, but the effects of this new workout regiment have been rather astounding. Researchers have found that it can improve your blood sugar levels, and how effectively your body uses insulin to clear glucose (blood sugar) from your bloodstream, by as much as 23% in some of the test patients.

I personally like the idea of a 7 minute per week workout, because it eliminates anyone from saying that they don’t have enough time to workout! And if this type of workout can help reduce or reverse the effects of type 2 diabetes, it would not only help save lives and help people live healthier, but it would also greatly lower health care costs by lowering overall instances of diabetes. Well, it’s a win-win situation if you ask me!

Think about it...